Muscle-Belly Injury Rehab Guide

Muscle-Belly Injury Rehab Guide

A time proven method devised as a highly effective injury rehab strategy for individuals experiencing muscle-belly injuries. This proven method was first introduced in the 60's - 70's and has been successful for years, surpassing any other methods tested so far. It is important to note that the exact cause of these injuries is not always clear. The following steps should be taken to promote optimal recovery.

The first step is to wait for three to four days, until the pain begins to fade. This indicates that the immediate healing process has commenced, and the bleeding has stopped while tissue repair has commenced. The second step involves engaging in an exercise that directly affects the injured muscle. For instance, in this case, the squat is an appropriate exercise. Use the empty bar and perform three sets of 25 repetitions with excellent form, strictly avoiding any favoritism towards the injured side. If the pain increases during the set, the injury has not healed. However, if the pain remains the same or feels a bit better at the end of the set, it is ready to be worked.

The following day, repeat this exercise, adding a small amount of weight, for instance, 45 x 25 x 2 and 55 x 25. The next day increase the weight to 45 x 25, 55 x 25, and 65 x 25. Continuously increase the weight, as long as your body can tolerate it, every day. The exercise will be painful, but you should be able to differentiate between rehab pain and re-injury pain eventually. The method flushes blood through the injury site while forcing the reorganization of the tissue in the normal pattern of contractile architecture.

After ten days of performing 25 reps, it is safe to increase the weight and decrease the reps to 15s, then to 10s, and finally to fives. During this period, it is not advisable to engage in any other heavy work that would impede the healing process. It is essential to direct all resources towards the healing process. The healing process should be completed in around two weeks’ time, with the ability to once again perform squats at a greater weight than the one that caused the injury.

This method is advantageous in that it prevents scar formation in the muscle belly. This is achieved by forcing the muscle to heal within the context of regular contraction and movement, utilizing the pattern of movement the muscle normally uses. The four essential points to keep in mind when using this method are: 1.) excellent form, 2.) light weights for high reps, 3.) daily use of the outlined method for two weeks, and 4.) no other heavy work that could interfere with the healing process of the tear.

Throughout the entire period of healing the injury, it is crucial to use ice therapy. Use ice for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, numerous times a day, initially, and then reduce to morning, after the workout, and before bed. Ice significantly assists in decreasing inflammation, swelling, and encouraging beneficial blood flow through the injury. However, it is important to note that ice therapy should not be used for more than 20 minutes at a time as it could cause additional harm than good.

In conclusion, this rehab method is highly effective and could save a great deal of recovery time for individuals experiencing muscle-belly injuries. It's an efficient way to prevent long term issues associated with muscle-belly scarring. It is advised to follow this rehab method precisely to ensure optimal results.
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